Call For Papers  CFP Flyer

The 16th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing is the premier forum for new ideas and experimental results in machine learning and computing. The conference specifically seeks particularly forward-looking and novel submissions. Papers are solicited on a broad range of topics, including (but not limited to):

Machine Learning


Unsupervised Learning
Meaningful Compression
Computational Theories of Learning
Big Data Visualization
Structure Discovery
Feature Elicitation
Recommender Systems
Targetted Marketing
Multitasking and Transfer Learning
Customer Segmentation
Deep learning
Supervised Learning
Image Classification
Identity Fraud Detection
Customer Retention
Population Growth Prediction
Advertising Popularity Prediction
Weather Forecasting
Market Forecasting
Estimating Life Expectancy
Intelligent Search
Data Access
Statistical Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Real-time Decisions
Robot Navigation
Game AI
Skill Acquisition
Learning Tasks
Data Mining
Intelligent Systems
Complex Systems
Neural Networks and applications

Computer Modeling
Parallel Computing
Quantum Computing
High Performance Computing
Distributed and parallel systems
Cognitive Computing
Cloud Computing
Distributed Computing
Grid Computing
Embedded Computing
Scientific Computing
Scalable Computing
Human-centred Computing
Mobile computing

Conference Publication

After peer-reviewing, accepted papers after proper registration and presentation, will be published in the MLCI 2025 Conference Proceedings.
After reviewing, accepted abstracts will be invited to make the presentation only.

Submission Method

Welcome related scholars, students to submit your full papers or abstracts by Electronic Submission System. or email:



November: Submission Ends

Full paper or abstract submission deadline.


December: Notification Date

You will receive the final review results about your paper or abstract before or on that date.


January: Registration Ends

Please submit your registration files including final papers before that date.

Contact us

Ms. Caroline Lee



Copyright © 2025 International Conference on Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence